I admit it. Icicles are pretty, sparkling in the sun
with their varying shapes of elongated raindrops. We even use the plastic variety
to decorate our houses for the holidays. Yes, icicles are pretty, but not hanging
off the end of my nose.
I really tried to take my walk this morning. After
bundling up in sweatpants, heavy knee socks, two shirts, vest, coat, hat,
scarf, and leather gloves, I ventured out the front door only to be knocked
backward by a vicious gust of wind. That gust had it in for me. I’m sure of it! But I pulled myself together and persevered, knowing the eighteen-degree
temperature couldn’t possibly feel as frigid once I moved into the sunlight. Wrong!
As I rounded the shaded corner, my eyes started to water, my bundled-up
body was wracked with shivers, and my nose began to run. Quickly, the nasal
drainage formed a snot-cicle and not a pretty one. With wind-burned face and
frost-bitten toes, I did an about-face and headed back inside. Okay, maybe that
was a slight exaggeration. Anyway, it had taken nearly twenty minutes to
dress for the weather, and my walk lasted less than five minutes—not the aerobic
event of champions.

During the thirty-four winters I’ve lived in Virginia,
I’ve experienced five major ice storms, hundreds of snow days, and enough
freezing temperatures to store a year’s worth of whale blubber for an entire
Inuit family. Oops! Am I exaggerating again? Don’t get me started on hurricanes,
spring pollen, and sweltering summers.
The good thing about Virginia’s weather, though, is it
only lasts a couple of days. By Wednesday, the temperature might climb to the sixties.
I’ll wait till then to take my walk.
Cindy L. Freeman is the author of two award-winning
short stories and three published novels: Unrevealed, The
Dark Room and I Want to Go Home.
Website: www.cindylfreeman.com;
Facebook page: Cindy Loomis Freeman. Her books are available from amazon.com or
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