I am convinced the greatest joy in life is to know and be known by the
living Christ. This joy transcends all earthly experiences and relationships.
How do I know this to be true? I have sought and I have found. I have rested in
the center of Christ’s amazing love. I have sinned and been forgiven. I have
prayed, “Come, Lord Jesus” and been indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Does Christ's indwelling joy guarantee an easy life? No. Does it
mean I never experience sorrow or failure or frustration? No. But Christ's presence in me and with me promises that whatever this earthly life deals, I have the
assurance of supernatural strength and courage to face it and walk through it. I can expect some days to be ordinary and others to be extraordinary. That is the way of human existence. But whether tomorrow brings happiness, achievement, and romance or humiliation, loss, and even physical death, I need not face it in fear.
Whether consciously or unconsciously, every human heart
longs for God’s amazing grace. We may spend an entire life trying to fill that empty space with human relationships or career aspirations. We may seek joy through recreation, pleasure or social status. We may strive for financial reward and earthly possessions. Perhaps
it is power or recognition we seek. God wants all of that abundance for us. But when temporal desires, alone, fail to produce
transcendental fulfillment--and they will--we may turn to addictive substances and dysfunctional behaviors.
We need not spend our whole lives wishing, wanting, seeking, and striving. There is nothing we can humanly do to earn Christ’s love. It is a free gift. The living Christ is but an acceptance-speech away. “I accept you, Jesus, as Lord of my life. I surrender my will to yours.” Therein lies the joy we humans so earnestly seek.
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